This morning I had the privilege to do a presentation on the use of Social Media in Medical Education to a group of seasoned medical educators. David Pilasky, Jason Korenkiewicz and Nicholas Arcieri made up the rest of the presentation team. This was a group well versed in pedagogy and the changing landscape of healthcare in the country. But they were mostly unfamiliar with possible pedagogic uses of tools like Tweetchats and Google Hangouts.
We did a pre and post session poll to gauge the knowledge of and attitudes towards use of Social Media in Medical Education.
Here is a storify summary of the session. It is impressive to see the gradual change in the audience as the session went on.
What about the pre and post data? Well we did not do an IRB for this study so would not be able to reveal that results ;-(
We did a pre and post session poll to gauge the knowledge of and attitudes towards use of Social Media in Medical Education.
Here is a storify summary of the session. It is impressive to see the gradual change in the audience as the session went on.
The MedEd Plenary on Social Media
An introductory session on the use of Social Media in Medical Education - participants included people involved in various aspects of medical student education and were mostly new to Twitter.
- Asked the audience about their reaction to Twitter. Tweet's captured the response from the audience! (Not the poster's opinion)
- The audience slowly began to thaw
- Gave a very very brief demo of how to use Twitter with #Someded hashtag. There were a few tentative first tweets!
- Nicholas Arcieri did a great job encouraging the users.
- We started off with a demonstration of a case discussion on Twitter
- We got some questions about the typical red flags. Prompted the audience for more questions and got some great ones.
- There was a great response from the group, they start seeing the potential and start thinking of potential applications.
- “#someded @Colleenocg Twitter and Twitter fountain could be useful for use in Group Application Exercises within TBL
- The conversation was picked up by folks outside the meeting
- “RT @UCPritzker: How do medical educators use social media? @Neil_Mehta uses tweet chat w/ students. #SoMedEd
- “RT @UCPritzker: How do medical educators use social media? @Neil_Mehta uses tweet chat w/ students. #SoMedEd
- “RT @UCPritzker: How do medical educators use social media? @Neil_Mehta uses tweet chat w/ students. #SoMedEd
- “RT @UCPritzker: How do medical educators use social media? @Neil_Mehta uses tweet chat w/ students. #SoMedEd
- Some concerns, some anxiety, barriers and some great humor!
- Some feedback; Some Tips and resources
- “You can follow people in this feed by putting the mouse over their name and the follow button should pop up, then just click follow #someded
- “RT @nicholas_urmc: Here is a great guide on #GettingStartedWithTwitter
- “RT @nicholas_urmc: You should take your IT guy to lunch and make him tell you all of the twitter secrets.... #someded
- We did a pre and post session ARS poll which showed an impressive change in knowledge and intention to change behavior (use SoMe in teaching). This was a terrific audience - who says medical educators can't be open minded about change!
What about the pre and post data? Well we did not do an IRB for this study so would not be able to reveal that results ;-(