Monday, May 30, 2011

You think Twitter serves no practical purpose except starting revolutions? Read on

This my first attempt at using Storify, a wonderful tool to create stories from various social media sites.

Resources mentioned here
1. Storify


  1. Hi Neil,

    I like the post!

    In the trial of TILT we worked with a dental lecturer and he got students to record learning points from his lectures. The idea being was three-fold (1) that it'd reinforce learning (2) that different students would learn different things so some would remind others of what had been said (3) It would act as a great revision aid!

    We also theorised about unanswered questions. If we could identify topic experts within the system (should be relatively straightforward) we could try and 'match-make' between unaswered questions and potential answerers. If the learning community was strong it would be a nice relatively easy win!

  2. Jon,
    Thanks for the information re' how TILT was piloted.
    I think one of the strengths is that it is based on the constructivist philosophy. Everyone comes to and away from a learning session with a different construct and by sharing and comparing our constructs with each other, we learn.
    It might have great appeal for K-12 education too as teachers may be more comfortable with the more controlled and "safer" environment compared to something like Twitter.

  3. Everyone comes to and away from a learning session with a different construct and by sharing and comparing our constructs with each other, we learn.

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