Friday, February 20, 2009

Faculty development on Using Technology in Education

One of the challenges we face is helping faculty get comfortable using technology. We can try and do hands on workshops to train faculty on certain techniques. The problem is that faculty can have varying levels of expertise in the use of the Web and computers.

One way to solve this problem is to get all workshop participants to review a computer and Web skills checklist prior to the actual session. In addition we can provide links to some good tutorials if they need to brush up on specific skills.

I have put together a skills checklist and links to some tutorials that cover basic Windows skills here.


  1. Thanks,
    I struggle with this too. Problem is even when I point them to a tutorial like this, they don't try it out before the session!

  2. I make it a point to ask some questions using an audience response system at the start of the session. Once people start realizing this, they do the prework for the session! Works only sometimes though!
